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inspiring readings
To create a philosophy based on reduction awareness is one of our main goals.
We live times of overconsumption, accelerated times and overstimulated minds, where there’s no place for silence and quietness. Through these inspiring readings we want to share with you books you can disconnect with, reflect and learn, promoting inner dialogue and comprehension as a replacement of consumption and social media.
04_Just Kids – Patti Smith
Something authentic and beautiful is found in these pages. the rawest state of creativity. The meaning of being an artist. The expression of the inner self writing on the walls. Patti created from the innocence, unpretentious, finding her spiritual and artistic soulmate at a time when the analogical still allowed to touch, see and feel in a physical way the intangible. She is inspiration, and in her pure words, while she tells her life story as it is the simplest and most normal one, she makes a change in everyone who reeds her, making you want to listen to your primitive artistic instinct.

patti smith, print on textile

Cabo de Gata, 2021
03_Sobre la belleza humana – Alfredo Marcos
It is necessary to reflect on what we believe beauty is and what moves us to be in perpetual search for it. Sometimes the sensation of beauty is given by the function and not by the structure. Quoting Aristotle, "Form is the difference in matter", Marcos explains that the beauty of people lies in their way of life, which is nothing more than a personal perception. We give form to the world we perceive, and those who attempt against human nature in their lives are not in a good way. Throughout history, the perception of beauty has passed from the objective to the subjective plane, until it has become a very diffuse concept that is often used for purposes unrelated to its meaning. Certain groups endowed with an elitist status, "those who really know how to feel", dictate what is beautiful, not to unite but to distinguish. They are the very ones guilty of the persistent problem with truth and goodness, fixed at the convenience of the will to power. To avoid this external dictum, we must cultivate the personal sensitivity that will allow us to see the world with the original amazement. This position of what is properly human, of human nature, is nothing but the source of well-being and calm with oneself. To reach such a state, the three basic human aspects must be harmoniously integrated. On the one hand, the animal aspect, based on internal and external biological preservation, the social aspect, based on conversation and coexistence, and the spiritual aspect, which lies in the development of knowledge, contemplation and creativity. We will understand at this point that beauty is not a thing, nor a being, but the relationship between the subject and an object. A relationship that must move us, since it is the love we feel for the beautiful that drives us towards the good itself.
02_Liquid Love – Zygmunt Bauman
Perpetual loneliness. Collective loneliness. Solitary beings, in constant contact. Bauman shows the fragility of human bonds through the concept of fluidity, understood as change or flexibility. The loss of social skills and dialogue, together with the desire for access to the public scene, make connections insufficiently deep and spread a sense of panic towards commitment. This is why most contemporary people are afraid of being abandoned, of being left alone. Consequently, 'Love' is mistaken for 'Desire', sometimes fraternal twins, but never identical twins, seeing the experience of love as a commodity; sex and love as an element of consumption rather than construction. Connections are now valued in volume of pleasure and 'value for money'. We lose the value of other human beings as unique. There is a growing separation between what makes us aware and what we can influence. There appears a local disconnection from environments and people physically close, but socially and economically distant. "The more we become disconnected from our immediate environment, the more we depend on the surveillance of that environment...".

Morph – Antony Gormley, 1997
Paraffin, black pigment and oil on paper, 39 × 57 cm.
All rights reserved to the author.